Streamlining premium processing for intermediated insurance worldwide

The drive for transparency

We believe that premium payments are the lifeline of the insurance ecosystem. The flow and allocation of money, however, is extremely troublesome and presents market players with serious problems. Manifested in stiff, manual operations and tediously long wait times, it is the finance experts, brokers and underwriters who bear the cost.
We are committed to solving this challenge through combining industry competence with innovative technology and partnerships. Our story began at an accelerator program in London fuelled by creativity and hard work. It is these values which guide us on our current mission to streamline premium processes for intermediated insurance businesses worldwide.
Julian Schoemig
CEO / Co-Founder
Chris Davis
CTO / Co-Founder
Diesta’s vision is to reduce the time spent on premium processing to 0
Our Values
Operate with skill and keep learning
Give it your all and don’t hold back
Excel through ownership and respect
Fueled by leading investors